FireQL - Query Google Firestore database using SQL syntax.

FireQL - Query Google Firestore database using SQL syntax.

FireQL is the Golang library and interactive CLI tool to query the Google Firestore database using SQL syntax.

It is built on top of the official Google Firestore Client SDK that will allow running queries Cloud Firestore database using SQL syntax.


FireQL can be used as a Go library or interactive command-line tool.

Go Library

An example of querying collections using SQL syntax:

import (

func main() {
    fql, err := fireql.New("<GCP_PROJECT_ID>")
    fql, err = fireql.New("<GCP_PROJECT_ID>", fireql.OptionServiceAccount("<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON>"))
    if err != nil {

    // Now, execute SELECT query
    result, err := fql.Execute("SELECT * `users` order by id desc limit 10")
    if err != nil {
    _ = result


fireql [flags]


$ fireql --project $PROJECT_ID
Welcome! Use SQL to query Firestore.
Use Ctrl+D, type "exit" to exit.
Visit for more details.
fireql>select id, name from users limit 2
|  ID  |    NAME    |
| 1046 | bob        |
| 1047 | smith      |
(2 rows)

Read the documentation for more information on CLI usage.


Some cool SELECT queries that are possible with FireQL:

select * from users
select *, id as user_id from users
select id, email as email_address, `` AS city from `users`
select * from users order by '' desc limit 10
select * from `users` where id > 50
select id, LENGTH(contacts) as total_contacts from `users`

See Wiki for more examples.



brew install pgollangi/tap/fireql


brew upgrade fireql

Scoop (for windows)

scoop bucket add pgollangi-bucket
scoop install fireql


docker run pgollangi/fireql


go install


You can alternately download a suitable binary for your OS at the releases page.


All of firestore query limitations are applicable when running queries using FireQL.

In addition to that:

  • Only SELECT queries for now. Support for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE might come in the future.

  • Only AND conditions supported in WHERE clause.

  • No support for JOINs.

  • LIMIT doesn't accept an OFFSET, only a single number.

  • No support of GROUP BY and aggregate function COUNT.

Future scope

  • Expand support for all logical conditions in WHERE clause by internally issuing multiple query requests to Firestore and merging results locally before returning.

  • GROUP BY support

  • Support other DML queries: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

Thanks for the read! Try using this if you are working with Firestore and share feedback.